Cards and Visuals

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Cookie Time Challenge - Song

Cards and Visuals
May 31, 2018

Song lyrics to accompany cookie time challenge - used as intro to the activity

Public Lands Cheat Sheet

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

The matrix that guides students and educators on how to categorize various elements of our federal public recreation lands.

Public Lands Cards

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

The cards distributed to students so they can be categorized into various public land recreation areas.

Rain Shadow Cards

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

These cards are used in conjunction with the Rain Shadow Lesson to help students apply the rain shadow concept to the Olympic Peninsula.

We All Live Downstream - Student Roles

Cards and Visuals
March 22, 2018

Student roles that accompany activity

Chesapeake Watershed Card Hike

Cards and Visuals
November 14, 2017


Introduce students to the Chesapeake Watershed and the human impacts associated with the water quality. 

Buffalo Soldiers

Cards and Visuals
November 6, 2017

These cards outline the history and contributions of Buffalo Soldiers, all-Black army regimens in the 19th and early 20th centuries; includes bios of historical and current heroes.

Black Heroes–Quote/Bio Cards

Cards and Visuals
November 6, 2017

Set of cards that could be used for "Each One Teach One." Each card features a photo, quote, and biography of a prominent Black American. Scientists and environmental activists are emphasized, including Mae C.

Yosemite HerStory Slides

Cards and Visuals
July 10, 2017

Each card describes the contribution of a woman to Yosemite's rich history. Could be used as an EOTO exercise. 

Newt Musical Ponds Visuals

Cards and Visuals
June 15, 2017

These cards accompany the activity Newt Musical Ponds


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