Searchable Curriculum

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California Migrations + Ancestral History

Activity Plan
May 4, 2018

In multiple parts, students reflect on their ancestral history, that of others in the group, and that of Native Peoples.

1 Fish, 2 Fish

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

Students work together to hide a water bottle from their educator as they move from one location to another (similar to the game “Red light, green light”).

Elwha River Model

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

In this activity the educator leads students through a demonstration of the Glines Canyon/Lake Mills model.

Balloon Frantic

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

“Balloon Frantic” is a fun activity that can be used to teach a number of different concepts as well as general problem-solving. Students work together to keep lots of balloons in the air.

Public Lands Cheat Sheet

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

The matrix that guides students and educators on how to categorize various elements of our federal public recreation lands.

Public Lands Cards

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

The cards distributed to students so they can be categorized into various public land recreation areas.

Your Public Lands

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

In multiple parts, students will first brainstorm what various federal lands provide recreation activities. Second, they will categorize agencies/mission statements/laws regarding those lands using cards.

Rain Shadow Lesson

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

This lesson uses the learning cycle to teach students about rain shadows, a concept that is essential to understanding the weather and ecology of the Olympic Peninsula. Several variations are presented. 

Rain Shadow Cards

Cards and Visuals
March 27, 2018

These cards are used in conjunction with the Rain Shadow Lesson to help students apply the rain shadow concept to the Olympic Peninsula.

We All Live Downstream - Student Roles

Cards and Visuals
March 22, 2018

Student roles that accompany activity


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