Cards and Visuals

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Snowflake Type and Morphology Graph

Cards and Visuals
January 11, 2016

Take this snowflake guide and morphology graph and some hand lenses out in the falling snow to learn more about the snowflakes at that moment. Learn lots more about snowflakes at

Story of a Snowflake

Cards and Visuals
January 11, 2016

Read this winter story of a snowflake to your students (and have them act it out!) to teach them how snowflakes are formed. 

Rockfall Triggers Visual

Cards and Visuals
September 21, 2015

Pie chart of probable rockfall triggers in Yosemite National Park as presented by Greg Stock at Yosemite's Fall All-Educator Training in 2015.

Grotto Food Web

Cards and Visuals
June 16, 2015

Food web of some common creatures on the grotto trail, centering around the freshwater system. 

Wildlife Camera Images from Yosemite's Carnivore Crew

Cards and Visuals
June 10, 2015

Wildlife camera images from Yosemite National Park's Carnivore Crew

Trophic State Index (Simplified)

Cards and Visuals
April 8, 2015

A simplified version of the trophic state index, for use with a secchi disk.

Trophic State Index (AP Science)

Cards and Visuals
April 8, 2015

A more complex version of of the Trophic State Index, for AP science and college students only.

The Big Blast

Cards and Visuals
March 20, 2015

Creation of the Spruce Railroad Tunnels in Olympic National Park.

5-4-3-2-1...Science! Inquiry Visual

Cards and Visuals
March 6, 2015

This visual accompanies 5-4-3-2-1...Science! It can be used to provide an overview of the steps. 

Historic Yosemite Valley Photos & Explanations: Old Yosemite Village, Cook's Meadow, and More!

Cards and Visuals
January 30, 2015

These historic photos are for Church Bowl, Leidig Meadow (with cattle), bear feeding, and Cook's Meadow area including by Sentinel Bridge (the Old Yosemite Village). They come with descriptions of the history around the image.  


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