Cards and Visuals

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Sort-a-Scientist Visuals

Cards and Visuals
March 23, 2016

Supplemental visuals for the Draw-a-Scientist lesson plans

Where do our students get their water?

Cards and Visuals
March 10, 2016

Information on the major man made waterways of California, as well as the State Water Project and Central Valley Project. Originally compiled by Genny Rice.  

Yosemite Bear Management Statistics

Cards and Visuals
February 18, 2016

Graphs and tables showing the Yosemite bear statistics for 2015. Information includes: incidents over the past 10-20 years, types of damages, why incidents are occurring, bear management, and bears hit by vehicles.

Yosemite Timeline Lineup

Cards and Visuals
February 10, 2016

Use this Yosemite timeline and printable events and dates to have your students try to line up in the order that they think events may have occurred.

Yosemite's Historic Figures Cards

Cards and Visuals
February 8, 2016

These cards include information about historic figures in Yosemite.

R.A.I.N. Four Steps to Manage Strong Emotions

Cards and Visuals
February 5, 2016

This resource uses a handy acronym in helping students to notice and let go of strong emotions. 

Letting Go Practices

Cards and Visuals
February 5, 2016

This resource includes breathing techniques and activities designed for helping students to slow down, notice how they're feeling, and let go of any negative thoughts or emotions. 

Mindfulness Experiences For Any Age

Cards and Visuals
February 5, 2016

An overview of mindfulness: what it is, why it's important, and some techniques for practicing mindfulness with your students and your life. 

How did this pile of rocks get here? Cards

Cards and Visuals
February 5, 2016

These cards accompany the lesson called: How did this pile of rocks get here? They are the VERB CARDS referred to in the lesson.

Subnivean Zone

Cards and Visuals
January 27, 2016

Beautiful visual by Yosemite Educator Mindy Wiper to help your students understand the subnivean zone.


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