Lesson Videos

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Creating Graphs in Nature

Lesson Video
March 31, 2016

Looking for a way to engage students in making graphs of their data? Perhaps try an Andy Goldsworthy-inspired graph. Watch this video starring Lisa Ribaric to learn more.

Inquiry: North Side vs. South Side of Yosemite Valley Comparison Video

Lesson Video
March 2, 2016

Watch this video to learn about how to facilitate an investigation in which students compare characteristics of the north and south sides of Yosemite Valley.

Insulation Investigation Video

Lesson Video
February 1, 2016

This video corresponds with the lesson plan "Insulation Investigation," especially the version written in the Adaptations tab. The video focuses specifically on seeing what the tour looks like and how to analyze the data.

Ice Investigation Videos

Lesson Video
March 6, 2015

Utilize students' excitement and interest in ice by using it as the focus of an investigation. Students observe ice, develop a testable question, and conduct an investigation to learn more about the properties of ice.

Art on the Loose Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video starring Mindy Wiper shows exercises that can introduce art to your students. See her introduce drawing an emotion, air drawing, blind contour drawing, and then transition to openly drawing what you see.

Water Cycle Tai Chi

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Delaney Sharp showing how he and his students act out parts of the water cycle to help students recall the different processes. 

Carbon Cycle Relay Race Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This National Park Foundation video, starring Ben Graves, shows how to play the Carbon Cycle Relay Race. In this game, students compete in a relay race in order to understand the way carbon cycles through the earth.

Grinnell Journaling Videos

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Jordan Nobler and Katharine Batdorf explaining the Grinnell Journaling method. See lesson plans above for accompanying information. Part one is is about 13 minutes, and part two is about 10 minutes.

Observation through Art

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Katharine Batdorf running a science observation activity with high school students. The activity uses art to improve student's observation skills. These observation skills will be used in later scientific inquiry lessons.

Scent Tracking Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Mara Dale sharing this activity where students track their "pack leader" using their sense of smell. (3:56)


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