Lesson Videos

Recent Content

Water, No Water Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Robin Batha and Laura Manczewski running an activity to show students how much water goes into common things in their lives.  (7:26)

Water Treatment Activity Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This video stars Genevieve Rice running an activity to teach students how hard it is to clean water after we have added pollutants. (5:14)

Incredible Water Journey Video

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This game stars Andrew Glikin running an activity where students travel through the water cycle and then journal about their journey. (5:29)


Searchable Curriculum Tutorial: How to Browse and Search

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This Searchable Curriculum tutorial will walk you through how to browse and search to help you find the teaching resources that you are looking for. (5:01)

Searchable Curriculum Tutorial: How to Submit Content

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This Searchable Curriculum tutorial will walk you through how to submit a teaching resource. (13:09)

Searchable Curriculum Tutorial: Personalization Features

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

This Searchable Curriculum tutorial will walk you through the personalization features available when you are logged in to the site.

Searchable Curriculum Overview

Lesson Video
December 21, 2014

Teaser for the NatureBridge Searchable Curriculum highlighting some of its capabilities. (1:37) Please view Searchable Curriculum Tutorials for directions on how to use certain functions of the site.


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