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Everybody's It: Predator Prey Style

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

In this version of tag game “Everybody's It,” students are blindfolded so that every player becomes predator and prey. The object is to tag (eat) other players and be the last to remain.

Human Camera

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

Students will sit in a circle with their eyes closed and share their favorite memory with the group.

Plate Tectonic Disco

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

Students will practice goofy dance moves in order to better remember types of tectonic plate interactions. 

Snow Tracking Sleuths

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

After learning how animals move when making their tracks, students will have a chance to “write their own tracking mystery” for a partner to solve in snow.

Scent Tracking

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

After an introduction to the sense of smell as an adaptation, students will participate in scent tracking by following a scent trail to find their “pack leader.”

Scat and Tracks of Yosemite Cards

Cards and Visuals
August 6, 2014

Scat and track animal identification cards to use for winter tracking in the snow (or mud tracking the rest of the year). Card set includes a background on following tracks. 

Yosemite Fish

Background Information
August 6, 2014

Background information on fishes and fishing in Yosemite

Yosemite Today and 20,000 Years Ago

Cards and Visuals
August 6, 2014

Two pictures showing the difference between Yosemite during the last Ice Age and Yosemite today with the mean temperatures during that time period (only 10 degrees different!).

Winter Ecology Cards

Cards and Visuals
August 6, 2014

Cards with information related winter ecology.

Winter Hardships

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

Students learn about winter ecology and the vectors of winter through an activity involving running and following directions.


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