Evening Programs

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Climate Change Town Hall Meeting

Activity Plan
August 30, 2018

Students will explore different stakeholders affected by climate change and work together (from the perspective of their stakeholder) to come up with short term and long term solutions to the climate challenge.

Climate Change Perspectives Debate

Activity Plan
August 30, 2018

Students take on global and Yosemite perspectives in regards to climate change in a town meeting/debate style. This activity is great for students who already have a strong base knowledge of climate change.

Elwha River Model

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

In this activity the educator leads students through a demonstration of the Glines Canyon/Lake Mills model.

Balloon Frantic

Activity Plan
March 27, 2018

“Balloon Frantic” is a fun activity that can be used to teach a number of different concepts as well as general problem-solving. Students work together to keep lots of balloons in the air.

Action Strategies for Younger Folks

Activity Plan
May 23, 2017

Evening program focused on activism with three different possible activities. Use one or all three!

Alcans and Bumbas

Activity Plan
February 5, 2016

This role-playing activity helps students recognize that our society is comprised of diverse people and encourages them to understand this diversity.

Acorns, Deer, Mountain Lions

Activity Plan
January 29, 2015

Students will be involved in an active simulation of populations in this activity. By becoming part of the “ecosystem,” students can see how populations of different organisms change over time, and in relation to each other.

Eco Team

Activity Plan
August 9, 2014

Students will be grouped into "committees" of an imaginary environmental group. Each committee is given a card (project) that they need to implement at their school.

Multi-Viewpoint Land Development Models

Activity Plan
August 8, 2014

Students are able to make decisions for what to do with a piece of land given a specific viewpoint.

Skulls and Skins

Activity Plan
August 6, 2014

Students will make predictions using their senses about different types of animal skulls and skins. This will be followed by a guided discussion about these animals and students’ predictions.


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